Otherwise/Forest Transformation
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chanhassen, Minnesota
Otherwise: Forest Transformation is both an elemental, mysterious object of contemplation as well as a place to occupy. One can sit within the small “seat-room” and observe moment-by-moment changes in light caught on the copper wall, or sit on the other side of the copper wall for an overview of the ravine below. The work embodies silence, waiting, and contact with the primordial. Commissioned by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Chanhassen, MN; copper, wood, and steel; copper wall is approx. 16’ long x 8’ high, 2’ deep; seat-room is approx. 5‘ long by 5 ‘ high x 3’ deep, constructed 2003. Otherwise: Forest Transformation was published in Architecture Minnesota, “Healing Landscapes”, by Heather Beal, Jan/Feb 2004, also in Landscape Architecture, “On The Boards” column written by Heather Hammatt, April 2001, p. 24.